Honor Code
Academic Integrity
Baptist College of America is committed to maintaining academic quality, excellence, and honesty. The college expects all students to share the commitment to academic integrity, an essential component of a quality academic experience. Students at Baptist College of America are expected to exhibit the highest level of academic citizenship. In particular, students are expected to read and follow all policies, procedures, and program information guidelines contained in publications; pursue their learning goals with honesty and integrity; demonstrate that they are progressing satisfactorily and in a timely fashion by meeting course deadlines and following outlined procedures; observe a code of mutual respect in dealing with mentors, staff, and other students; behave in a manner consistent with the standards and codes of the profession in which they are practicing; keep official records updated regarding changes in name, address, telephone number, or email address; and meet financial obligations in a timely manner. Students not practicing good academic citizenship may be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal, or financial holds on records.
Academic Dishonesty
Baptist College of America expects all of its students to approach their education with academic integrity—the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception. All mentors and administrative staff members at the college insist on strict standards of academic honesty in all courses. Academic dishonesty undermines this objective. Academic dishonesty can take the following forms:
- Cheating
- Submitting credentials that are false or altered in any way
- Plagiarizing (including copying and pasting from the Internet without using quotation marks and without acknowledging sources)
- Forgery, fabricating information or citations, or falsifying documents
- Submitting the work of another person in whole or in part as your own (including work obtained through document sharing sites, tutoring schools, term paper companies, or other sources)
- Submitting your own previously used assignments without prior permission from the mentor
- Tampering with the academic work of other students
Baptist College of America is committed to helping students understand the seriousness of plagiarism, which is defined as using the work and ideas of others without proper citation. The college takes a strong stance against plagiarism, and students found to be plagiarizing are subject to discipline.